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Trends & Topics

Understand a topic within your category with the Trends & Topics template

Want to understand attitudes towards a trend or topic? Want to define its applicability to your category or brand? Want to assess its impact on purchasing decisions? This is the right template for you.

Who can you speak to with this template?

Reach across multiple markets

You can get rich responses from real people across 22 different markets.

Qualitative responses at scale

You can collect responses from 150-1,000 people per market, depending on the markets selected.

Use our audience, or supply your own

You can use the template to speak to our community of consumers or your own customer base.

What will you discover with this template?

Definitions & Engagement

Deep dive into perceptions and interpretations of your chosen trend or topic and reveal how people are incorporating this into their consumption or usage patterns and decision-making processes. These insights will uncover how people relate to the trend or topic and the motivations and barriers behind it.

Importance & Impact

Gain a complete understanding of the significance people place on your chosen trend or topic and the impact it has on their attitudes and purchasing habits. These insights will gauge the role of this trend or topic on preferences and its influence on competitive dynamics within your category.

Winning Brand Strategy

Identify and analyse which brands are perceived to be successfully embodying your chosen trend or topic and explore the factors driving these perceptions. These insights will help you refine your strategy and understand how you can better connect with consumers through this trend or topic to solidify your standing in this space.

What type of business question can you answer with this template?

Is sustainability relevant for smartphone users?

You can determine the relevancy of a trend or topic e.g. understanding smartphone users’ attitudes towards eco-friendly products, their awareness of sustainability in the category and their willingness to pay a premium for it.

To what extent do health and wellness trends impact cosmetic purchase decisions?

You can determine the impact of a trend or topic e.g. understanding the drivers behind the rising preference for organic and health-centred cosmetics and the potential barriers to wide-scale market adoption.

Is convenient grocery shopping synonymous with online grocery shopping?

You can determine the definition of a trend or topic e.g. understanding the applicability of the convenience factor in the shift towards online grocery shopping and the nuanced interpretations of convenience in this setting.

How can I increase my brand's perception as being cutting-edge?

You can determine brand success within the trend or topic e.g. understanding which brands within your category are successfully perceived to be cutting-edge and how your brand can better play in this space.

How it works

How does SBX turn rich conversations into robust data?

You’re no longer restricted to a static list of questions. Instead, our LLM-powered chatbot will create unique conversation paths for each respondent to dig deeper into their specific answers and discover the nuance behind the numbers.

However, to ensure every conversation captures the information needed to support or challenge your hypothesis, SBX will create a conversation guide as part of your research brief. This will include the questions the chatbot must ask during the conversation.


These parent dimensions are part of the Trends & Topics template and will ensure that all of the data points needed to answer your business question are gathered during our conversations with consumers or customers.


The parent dimensions are then tailored based on your specific brief. In this case, the brief was centred around the definition of quality in the large home furniture category.


Lastly, the tool transforms these dimensions into a list of survey questions, which will be optimised in real time based on what the respondent says. This ensures the chatbot is able to delve deeper into their responses, just like a qualitative interviewer would, to get to the ‘why’. 

Profiling (Products)

Preferred types of large home furniture items.

What types of large home furniture items have you purchased or considered purchasing?

Profiling (Brands)

Preferred brands for large home furniture items.

What are your preferred brands for large home furniture items?

Importance within the Category

Relevant factors that drive choice of large home furniture items.

When choosing large home furniture items, what factors are important?

Consumer Definition

Definition of quality in the context of large home furniture items.

In your own words, how would you define quality in the context of large home furniture items?

Importance within the Category

Specific product characteristics and cues that drive positive quality perception.

What specific product characteristics or cues do you think drive positive quality perception in large home furniture items?

Importance within the Category

Importance of quality on choice of large home furniture items.

When choosing large home furniture items, how important is quality to you?

Engagement & Barriers

Willingness to pay more for higher quality large home furniture items.

Would you be willing to pay more for a large home furniture item if you perceived it to be of higher quality?

Engagement & Barriers

Willingness to switch product / brand based on quality perception.

Would you consider switching your preferred furniture brand or product based on your perception of its quality?

Engagement & Barriers

Steps taken to ensure the furnitures bought / used are of high quality.

What steps do you take to ensure the furnitures you buy or use are of high quality?

Engagement & Barriers

What makes it difficult for consumers to ensure the furnitures bought / used are of high quality.

What challenges do you face when it comes to ensuring the furnitures you buy or use are of high quality?

Winning In The Space

Possible product improvements or design features that could enhance quality perception.

In your opinion, what are some possible product improvements or design features that could enhance the quality perception of large home furniture items?

Winning In The Space

Perceived large home furniture brands that excel in quality.

Which large home furniture brands do you perceive as having high quality products?

Winning In The Space

Reason for perceived large home furniture brands that excel in quality.

Why do you consider these furniture brands are high quality?

Winning In The Space

High quality impact on view of the brand.

How does the fact that these furniture brands are high quality impact your view on the brand?

Show full example survey dimension guide
Hide full example survey dimension guide

How have other brands used this template?


Identifying the factors that drive perceptions of diverse beauty brands.

One of the world’s leading beauty brands wanted to understand the roles and responsibilities of beauty brands in relation to diversity and how it could improve perceptions of its brand in this space.


Uncovering consumer definitions in order to align messaging.

A leading ready-to-assemble furniture and home goods provider wanted to determine what ‘good quality’ means to consumers in the furniture and home goods category.


Determining the impact sustainability has on the purchase of computer accessories.

A consumer electronics manufacturer wanted to uncover which sustainability factors, if any, are prioritised during the purchase decision and what kind of information resonates most.


Evaluating definitions of the term ‘britishness’.

A food and beverage giant sought to determine perceptions and interpretations of the term ‘britishness’, both broadly and in relation to the snacking category specifically.

Frequently asked 

What sample can I target?

What information do I need to provide about a product or concept I’d like to test?

How many key variable cuts can I have?

Can I add my own questions to my survey?

Do you offer immediate response collection and delivery?

More templates


  • Motivations & Barriers: Why are fewer people purchasing organic food products? 
  • Usage: Which conditions are people more commonly using natural remedies to treat? 
  • Preferences: What are the top preferences when it comes to electric vehicles?

Category Exploration

Enhance the adoption of your product or service by understanding habits, behaviours and preferences. 


  • Products & Services: Would the market be receptive to a new pet grooming subscription service?
  • Features: Are audiences prepared for multi-angle viewing on their streaming services? 
  • Ideas: Is there public backing for expanded green zones in major UK cities?


Create or refine a best-fit product or service by testing your new or existing concepts with your target audience.


  • Awareness & Associations: Do consumers associate our brand mission and values with our products? 
  • Motivations & Barriers: Will the introduction of eco-friendly packaging increase sales? 
  • Key Metrics: How is our brand performing on ‘trust’ compared to our competitors?


Make your brand more relevant to your audience by defining the emotional and practical perceptions of your brand.

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